Since 2015, we set in motion an ambitious plan to make Fused-glass Art accessible to all ages.
These programmes are designed around an inquiry-based approach, seeking to develop a growth mind-set for our young participants. Pupils are encouraged to explore, experiment and make connections during the art making.
Working with glass is safe, even for young children. Pupils work with safety glass and are under direct supervision.
Programme duration varies from 1 - 8 sessions.
Preschool Programmes (supported by NAC)
Glass is fascinating for children. Children as young as 5 years-old can start working with glass. Working with glass has its numerous benefits.
Anchor operators such as MY World, PCF , My First Skool, and E-Bridge for selected centres to receive funding
Primary to Tertiary level (supported by NAC)
For 2019 - 2020, MOE schools are eligible to tap on the Art Enrichment Programme (AEP) for the 2019-2020 cycle. The programmes can be just a 3 hours exposure programme, or a 2 day full Fused-glass art Immersion Programme.
Samples Participant's Works
Glass Coasters (9.5xm x 9.5cm)
Sushi Plates (15cm x 15cm)
Mosaic Glass Plates (23cm x 23cm)
Collaborative Art Pieces (30cm x 30cm)

Painting with Glass Frits (2 Days full day workshop)
June 02, 2017
Painting with glass Frits is essentially about use coloured frit or glass powder in various granular sizes to compose an image. Pupils in the programme, explored Wasily Kandinsky's colourful paintings, and explored how the glass materials can be used to create floating shapes in moving space.
The session ended with a final visit to the glass studio at Goodman Arts Centre, and having an up close and personal view of how the furnace works.
Cost starts with $120 (min. 20 participants)

Introduction to the Craft of Making Glass Jewellery
February 07, 2017
Art Club pupils from Raffles Girls' School came to our studio and each pupil created a good handful of unique glass pendants. Some like it classy, others added a lot of funk into the design!
Besides the fun, pupils acquired an essential understanding of the process of how Kiln-formed glass.
For private groups, this may be the best way to chill and make wearable jewellery. For just 2 hours studio visit and art making session, email us.
Fused Glass Art for Pre-schoolers
April 07, 2015
Through the collaboration with the National Arts Council in 2015, via the Artist-in-school Scheme, we developed a series of fused Glass Programmes available under the National Arts Council Art Enrichment Programmes for pre-schools for 2019-20.
To locate our programmes, please click here and search for 'Ceramique Pte Ltd'.
With the programme, enquire with your preschool organisation to check for eligibility and approval for the Tote board Arts Grant.
To see a video on the learning, click here.